Meet the heroes!

Welcome to Sandwich technology School!

Nous avons rencontré en première heure quelques personnages du livre: Oliver Preston, Shanti Patel, Alwena Jarret.

Their school is called Sandwich Technology School.

They (the pupils) go to Sandwich Technology School.


Oliver Preston is 14. He’s the reporter for the school magazine. He’s in Year 9C.

Shanti Patel is 13 ½ (thirteen and a half) and she is in Year 9C too. She is the photographer for the school magazine.

Alwena Jarrett is 13 and she is in 8B. She’s a new pupil in the school.

This afternoon, there’s the group photo for the school magazine.


1. Ouvre ton traitement de texte et réponds aux questions suivantes en faisant des phrases:

Who is Alwena jarret?

How old is she?

Who is Oliver Preston?

How old is he?

Who is Shanti Patel?

How old is she?

What’s the name of their school?

2. Que signifient les termes suivants:

Reporter – Pupil – Year – Thirteen and a half – Photographer – New – School magazine – Group photo

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Afin de préparer le prochain cours, amuse-toi avec ce petit jeu:ICI

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