1. Ouvre la page suivante et observe les prépositions de lieu: ICI

2. Fais tous les exercices suivants:

Exercice 1

Exercice 2

Exercice 3

Exercice 4

Exercice 5

3. Maintenant que tu as fait tous les exercices, réponds sous forme de commentaire, à la question ci-dessous en numérotant tes réponses de 1 à 8:

Where is the rabbit?

Attention: Tu dois ouvrir le fichier ci-dessous afin de voir la position du lapin:

Where is the rabbit?

Exemple: The rabbit is on the box

4 commentaires so far »

  1. alisson54 said

    octobre 5 2011 @ 8 h 54 min

    1:The rabbit is in front of the box
    2:The rabbit is behind the box
    3:The rabbit is in the box
    4:The rabbit is by the box
    5:The rabbit is over the box
    6:The rabbit is between the box
    7:The rabbit is under the table
    8:The rabbit is on the table

    Alisson & Nouhaila

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  2. lea54 said

    octobre 5 2011 @ 8 h 56 min

    1.The rabbit is behind box .
    2.the rabbit is in front of the box.
    3.the rabbit is in the box .
    4.the rabbit is by the box.
    5.the rabbit is over the box.
    6.the rabbit is between the blue box and the red box .
    7.the rabbit is under the table.
    8.the rabbit is on the table .

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0

  3. hassna54 said

    octobre 5 2011 @ 8 h 57 min

    1. The rabbit is in front of the box HASSNA ET IBTISSAM
    2. The rabbit is behind the box
    3. the rabbit is in the box
    4. the rabbit is by the box
    5. the rabbit is over the box
    6.the rabbit is between the boxes
    7. the rabbit is under the table
    8. the rabbit is on the table

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0

  4. alisea54 said

    octobre 7 2011 @ 8 h 39 min

    1:The rabbit is in front of the box
    2:The rabbit is behind the box
    3:The rabbit is in the box
    4:The rabbit is by the box
    5:The rabbit is over the box
    6:The rabbit is between the box
    7:The rabbit is under the table
    8:The rabbit is on the table

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0

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